The Trail Blazer
The Trail Blazer is the publication of the Appalachian Society of American Foresters.
Previous Trail Blazer Publications:
Deadlines for all material
Spring: March 1
Summer: June 1
Fall: September 1
Winter: December 1
To submit your article, please attach text and photos in your email to the editor, Lesha Berkel, at by the submission deadline. Include photo filename/s and caption/s in your text file as well as the names of individuals pictured and photographer credit. NOTE: Larger files may be uploaded to a cloud system and shared with a link for download. All submissions will be reviewed and confirmed before publication.
Advertising rates
Full page* (7.5”w x 9.5”h) - $1,430.00
1/2 page (7.5”w x 4.25”h) - $825.00
1/4 page (3.5”w x 4.25”h) - $440.00
1/8 page (business card) (3.5”w x 2”h) - $264.00
* Do you have a special event or recognition and need a full-page ad? For a one-time insertion rate of $400, you can choose this option.
To advertise, click here, and send the form to