South Carolina Division
Clemson Student: Vacant
HGTC Student: Vacant
The popular tourism slogan “from the mountains to the sea” highlights South Carolina’s beauty and diversity, much of which is due to our forests. South Carolina’s forest cover 12.9 million acres and contribute $21 billion to the state’s economy each year. Timber is our #1 harvested crop and creates the second largest number of manufacturing jobs and associated labor income. The SC Division of Society of American Foresters has a rich history of supporting its membership through education and outreach to ensure these forests are sustainably managed. SCSAF also educates others about the forestry profession and the role foresters play in managing one of our most valuable state resources. We have 10 chapters, including 2 student chapters at Clemson University and Horry-Georgetown Technical College. Six of our chapters are named for the rivers and waterways that create such great diversity across the state. Are you interested in joining our community?
If so, send an email to the state’s Division Chair for more information. To find your state’s contact click here.